Things Three

Yesterday, to much fanfare Cultured Code launched an all new version of the to-do app Things. The app features a new design, new features, and completely rebuilt from the ground up.

The app is really well done and in my quick testing, the feature that I most enjoyed is the “Today and This Evening” section. Things integrate directly with your calendar so you can see a list of those events grouped at the top and your tasks below. This allows you to get a high-level overview of your entire day all in one app.

The one part I do not like is the pricing. To go all in you’ll need to purchase for each primary device so you are looking at almost $64.00 at the current prices:

This is comparable to the competitors like Omni Focus, but in my opinion, it’s a big investment for tracking to-do items. I personally am a bigger fan of Todoist’s plans, where it’s free on all devices, then a low monthly or yearly subscription.

Over time the subscription will end up costing you more, but I feel like when I’m constantly paying they have it in their best interests to continue coming out with updates.

No matter what you choose Things 3 is a great update and if you care about design it’s worth checking out.


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