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  • PatternFly — UX Goodness with the ease of Bootstrap

PatternFly — UX Goodness with the ease of Bootstrap

Patternfly is a community project of designers and developers collaborating to build a UI framework for enterprise web applications. Combining UX best practices with the powerful Bootstrap framework, it gives you a complete package for your apps administration area. It features premade layouts, patterns, widgets, and styles to give you a solid base to build off.

Here are some of the highlights of PatternFly.

Example Login Page
Example with Vertical Nav

Patternfly appears to be a comprehensive resource for the next time you need to build out a new application. Another nice feature is this is a collaborative project between designers and developers, and by having developers contributing it should be designed in a way that works with standard data.

Checkout Patternfly for more information and to download or contribute.


or to participate.