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  • Manage your newsletter subscriptions through RSS

Manage your newsletter subscriptions through RSS

In the past few years, there has been a shift in the way people create content. Previously everyone had a blog and used that as their tool of choice to share their tips and ideas. Many are now moving to email newsletters and not publishing elsewhere.

RSS is dying and social media has such a short lifespan that email is one of the few tools still available to get in touch with readers.

A byproduct of this shift is that now inboxes are full of so many newsletters that it’s impossible to keep up. In fact, I’m getting more and more picky on who I subscribe to and even have friends with newsletters that I haven’t joined because I don’t want another email in my inbox.

Feedbin an online RSS reader just announced a new feature that gives you a unique email address (found through the settings) and it pipes anything sent to it to your RSS feed. This is a great way of bringing back the joy of RSS with the move to newsletters.

Here is a screenshot of the Laravel News newsletter shipped right into my feed reader:

Newsletter in Feedbin

With this integration, you can still stay up to date with your favorite authors and read their work on your time, instead of leaving them laying around your inbox striving for your attention.


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